Start up

$100/mo /per endpoint

  • Computer & Software Support
  • Network Monitoring & Management
  • Antivirus Software & Monitoring
  • Email Management
  • System & File Management
  • Security Patching & OS Updates


$150/mo/per endpoint

  • Computer & Software Support
  • Network Monitoring & Management
  • Antivirus Software & Monitoring
  • Email Management
  • System & File Management
  • Security Patching & OS Updates
  • Microsoft 365 licensing for online office applications & OneDrive file storage
  • Monthly Network Security/Usage Reports
  • Email Encryption
  • Vendor Management 


$180/mo /per endpoint

  • Computer & Software Support
  • Network Monitoring & Management
  • Antivirus Software & Monitoring
  • Email Management
  • System & File Management
  • Security Patching & OS Updates
  • Microsoft 365 licensing for online & offline applications & OneDrive file storage
  • Monthly Network Security/Usage Reports
  • Email Encryption
  • Vendor Management
  • Monthly In-House Visits
  • Employee Cyber Security Training 

VOIP Phone Service

Stay in touch with your customers with a voice over IP phone system with software phone and Microsoft Teams integration for easy remote work.

Remote Workforce

Get your workforce remote ready with softphones, individual endpoint firewall management, and secure remote connection software.

Disaster Recovery 

If its hackers, a natural disaster, or just a mistake made by an employee. You need to keep your data safe and recoverable with our sophisticated backup solution. With our mixture of onsite and offsite solutions we could have you back up and running in minutes rather than days or weeks.